Creative Writing Thematic Presentation
This thematic presentation highlights the following about my writing and the work included in this video: Synopsis--Themes my work...
source: Animal language is studied as a comparison to human language. While this holds an importance in being able to...
Text-to-Hypertext Project: Stanley Kubrick Site
I created a website that was based on a previous writing assignment. I chose to go with my paper on Stanley Kubrick's involvement in...
Analysis of the Video Game Speech Community
source: BBC In writing as a freelance video game journalist for about ten years, I find that this speech community is one that is rich in...
From Unwanted Conversations
photo source: Simone Homes She always felt that there was a sense of seclusion in her backyard: a place where she could sit and think,...
Website Evaluation Project: Gulf Coast Humane Society
Introduction The Gulf Coast Humane Society is a nonprofit organization in Corpus Christi, Texas that specializes in providing a temporary...
The Roaring Girl: Peeling Back the Roaring Layers
The Roaring Girl presents characters that demonstrate a freedom from subordination for women from the patriarchal society rules and...
No One Likes a One-Way Conversation
When Redish states that “every use of your web site or mobile app is a conversation started by your site visitor,” she essentially means...
‘NW’: The Burden of Disguising your Voice
Image source: Zadie Smith’s NW shatters the common belief of luxurious benefit lurking around every corner of our lives...