The Evolution of Man and Not of Woman in 'Howard's End'
E.M. Forester’s choice in presenting the reader with a female as the lead character of Howard’s End assists in bringing forth the idea...
'The Yellow Wall-Paper': The Woman in the Paper
Image credit: Charlotte Perkins Stetson utilizes an array of writing concepts in The Yellow Wall-Paper to...
Socioeconomic Class and Worth in 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles'
Photo credit: Thomas Hardy did not intent to create an ode for the working class, in the sense of poetry, or praise for...
Visual Rhetoric Analysis #6: A New Way to See the World
This image is a perfect example of rhetoric utilized in cartography. PJ Mode quotes early 1900’s cartographer, James Francis Horrabin,...
The Name beyond the Grave: “Good Night, Sir John”
Lineage can play a crucial role in the status of those in which the names and blood are passed down to, which is highly depicted in Tess...
Visual Rhetoric Analysis #5: 'I (write) in my Calvins'
I felt this image was a great embodiment of what we have learned through our reading activities this week in which fashion and body...
Visual Rhetoric Analysis #4: Functions and their Messages
I chose this image because it has many of the qualities that we have learned about from our readings on Tuesday. I will be analyzing...
The Unknown of the Known in the Unknown in ‘The Turn of the Screw’
Photo credit: The True Uncanny Experience in ‘The Turn of the Screw’ There is something peculiar in...
Visual Rhetoric Analysis #3: Applying the Principles of Design
For this week's analysis I chose this billboard because it fell into a lot of the topics we covered this week. This billboard is for a...
Visual Rhetoric: Infographic
I have begun the process of creating an Infographic for my Visual Rhetoric class (Engl 3380) that offers the opportunity to introduce...