Visual Rhetoric Analysis #5: 'I (write) in my Calvins'
I felt this image was a great embodiment of what we have learned through our reading activities this week in which fashion and body adornment plays a huge part of showing our unique personalities. We learned that clothing was originally invented for comfort and protection and has made strides to include a portrayal of modesty and as a display of our personality and culture.
I selected to utilize an advertisement from Calvin Klein because I wanted to analyze the many layers of aspects of visual rhetoric that their ads embody. We read that Nike has succeeded in provoking an emotional response from the viewer to persuade them to purchase their products in many ways. Their swoosh logo is one that can stand alone, without the Nike name, and the audience will know exactly what company the ad or product represents. This aspect is the same for Calvin Klein. Utilizing the acronym CK for their name as their logo allows the viewer to also know which company the product belongs to. Their slogan, “Nothing comes between me and my Calvins,” attempts to deepen the desire to buy by creating the idea that no other jeans, or other apparel, compare.
They created a campaign that shows their relatability to audiences of many generations that utilizes Twitter and other social media sites. Their campaign consists of their edgy black and white images of models in their apparel with a tagline that says, “I ____ in #mycalvins.” Different words are added to the campaign images that display a wide variety of things that can be done in comfort, while being fashionable. The public contributes a photo of them wearing CK apparel and filling in the blank. Not only is this allowing the public to join in on the campaign, but it is also free advertisement for the company.
Calvin Klein uses racy ads to provoke an emotional response. They also use numerous celebrities to add to further create demand for their products. While their advertisements are not catered to modesty, they do highlight comfort, however the main aspect that drives the desire to buy and wear Calvin Klein apparel is to showcase personality in a manner that is deemed as high fashion and style.
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