Reflective Essay: Writing my Genre Analysis
In researching the best genres to compare, I wanted to utilize the two that I felt were most frequently researched. I chose to go with a written article and a video that both contained information on the same topic. I had just received the video through a text from my husband the day prior to beginning this analysis and felt that it would be the perfect fit for this study. With the ever-changing means in which we research information, it is important to be versatile in creating the content for the readers, listeners, and viewers.
Since I knew how I felt as a viewer, I found that the video would make a great comparison to a written article. Another reason why I selected these two genres is because I have done both in working as a freelance journalist. I have analyzed the differences in these two particular classifications in my line of work in order to create content that offers various styles for different types of audiences. When I would write a review, I would write an article and I would provide the link to the video review that I created as well because I knew that I would reach a larger crowd in doing so.
Upon initially analyzing the video, before deciding to utilize it for my genre analysis assignment, I noticed aspects of the video that I felt were very creative ways of bringing the information to the viewer. I liked the fact that Dr. Mike had titles between each section of material, as he stated them. This allows the viewer to remember the tips that he is giving. His comical approach kept me engaged throughout the entirety of the video.
In looking for a different genre to compare it to, I found Chloe Spencer’s article in the Huffington Post’s blog section. While there were many articles that I could compare it to, that related in subject matter, I chose the Huffington Post article because it is a notable and well-known website. I felt that the information provided would be bountiful, insightful, and credible. Upon further investigation, I found none of these aspects present in the article, which was highly disappointing. I noticed that Spencer attempted to relate to her audience in a comical way that did not translate well. I also observed her information and came to the conclusion that there was very little new information that the reader would not already know in researching this subject. There was also a lack of study proof that her tips should be considered by the reader.
To begin writing the assignment, I utilized the analysis charts that were completed with the assignment as a road mapping means to keep my thoughts together. I separated the differences in both genres, while analyzing what worked and what did not. This assisted in staying focused on the research that I discovered and translating it into written form.
Since I have worked using several forms of genre, with written articles and recorded videos being the most utilized, I encountered areas I wanted to discuss quite easily. I feel that both genres have limitations and benefits and highlighting those in these particular genres proved who utilized a strategy and successfully executed it in getting the information out to the target audience.